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Braun PowerBlend 3 Jug blender in use
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Braun PowerBlend 3

Enjoy fine blending results for healthy smoothies – fast and easy.

Braun PowerBlend 3.

Explore all the unique features of Braun’s PowerBlend 3.

Braun PowerBlend 3.
Working capacity




Braun TriAction Icon

Get the smoothest results. With TriAction Technology and the SmoothCrush System.

Thanks to the specially designed triangular-shaped jug, blind spots are avoided and the ingredients are redirected faster to the blending area. Perfect for creating delicious icy drinks, fine sauces and crowdpleasing dips.
Braun PowerBlend 3 Jug blender withSmoothie2Go bottle

The Smoothie2Go bottle – a single portion blender jug that you can take with you.

Just fill it with your favourite ingredients, blend and attach the sealed travel lid to head on out. It features a flip drinking spout that makes taking healthy drinks with you simple. The 600 ml Smoothie2Go bottle is made with Tritan™: shatter, odour and taste resistant. Tritan™ is a robust BPA-free plastic* that offers dishwasher durability and long life.
*​BPA-free for all parts intended to be in contact with food. Based on third-party testing.
Braun PowerBlend 3 Jug blender is easy to clean

Easy to clean. All parts are easy to disassemble.

All parts are easy to disassemble and can be placed directly into dishwasher, including goblet, lid and even blades.
Braun PowerBlend 3 jugblender – Fast and easy
Healthy smoothies with Braun PowerBlend 3

Did you know...

…how to save Bananas that turn brown?

You don't like ripe bananas? Don't worry, many people don't. But with our #braunhack there is no need to waste a good fruit. Simply slice and freeze a banana to have it available whenever you need some. Why not try a freshly made and cool smoothie for instance to start your day right?


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ブラウン ID 朝食コレクション


ID Breakfast Collection. Breakfast made just the way you like it.



Braun Breakfast Series 1