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  1. Jug Blenders
  2. PowerBlend 1 Jug blender JB 1051 Black

Frullatore PowerBlend 1 JB 1051 nero

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Opis proizvoda

PowerBlend 1 è compatto e comodo da riporre in cucine di piccole dimensioni, ma è comunque dotato dell’innovativa Tecnologia TriAction, una funzionalità condivisa da tutti i frullatori Braun. Grazie alla caraffa triangolare appositamente progettata della Tecnologia TriAction, non ci sono punti ciechi e gli ingredienti vengono ricondotti più velocemente verso l’area di miscelazione. Il motore ad alta efficienza da 600 Watt rende più facile e veloce la preparazione dei tuoi alimenti e bevande preferiti.

Što je u kutiji

PowerBlend 1 Jug blender black with glass jug

PowerBlend 1 Jug blender black with glass jug

Smoothie to go bottle with blade group and lid

Smoothie to go bottle with blade group and lid


TriAction Technology

Blend all kinds of food. Thanks to the specially designed triangular-shaped jug, blind spots are avoided and the ingredients are redirected faster to the blending area.

2 speeds + ice crush function/pulse

For easy texture control and efficient and fast ice crushing.

SmoothCrush blade system

The higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation, creating perfect flow for optimum blending results.


For all parts intended to be in contact with food. Based on third-party testing.

Easy to clean

All parts are easy to disassemble and can be placed directly into dishwasher, including goblet, lid and even blades.

3-way protection

Consisting of jug lock system, motor thermal protection and motor cooling system.

Clever compact design

Compact and convenient to store in small kitchens - 60% smaller footprint* *compared to Braun JB9040


Blend in the bottle and take it on the go with you. Comes with ergonomic drinking spout and sealed lid. Suitable for frozen drinks.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • TriAction Technology: Triangular jug for efficient blending circulation: Da
    • Materijal vrča: Glass
    • Maximum capacity: 1.5l
    • Radni kapacitet: 1.25l
    • Postavke brzine: 2
    • Funkcija pulsiranja: yes
    • Measuring cup with oil drip function: Da
    • Duljina kabela za napajanje: 900 mm
    • Trokutasti vrč za efikasno kruženje blendanja: Da
    • Boja: Black
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za suđe: Da
    • Materijal oštrice: Stainless steel
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 600
    • Sigurnosni sustav: Da
    • Uklonjiv nož blendera: Da
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Pohrana kabela: Da
    • Product weight: 1.910 kg
    • Blade system: Da
    • Product dimensions: 373 x 195 mm
    • Prijenosne čaše za smoothie: yes
Frullatore PowerBlend 1 JB 1051 nero JB1050