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  1. TexStyle 7
  2. TexStyle 7 Steam Iron TS 775 TP Grey
Steam irons

TexStyle 7 Steam Iron TS 775 TP Grey


Opis proizvoda

The TexStyle 7 iron boosts 60% more steam and intense power into tough ironing jobs to perform better and effectively remove stubborn wrinkles quickly and easily.

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TexStyle 7 TS 775 Steam iron

TexStyle 7 TS 775 Steam iron


Precision tip

Ironing around buttons, collars, pockets and other challenging areas becomes a breeze when using the steam shot button. The triangularly shaped steam zone of the precision tip easily removes small wrinkles in hard to reach areas – for excellent results. The steam emission can be increased to a maximum of 225 g/min, which is also ideal for removing creases in curtains and hanging garments when used in the vertical position.

Textile protector

With Braun’s unique Textile protector, even delicate fabrics can be ironed at temperature settings with all the steam functions your iron offers. At the same time, it protects delicate fabrics from heat damage and shiny patches so that most fabrics can be ironed without an intermediate cloth. The Textile protector simply clicks onto the soleplate immediately lowering its temperature to a safe yet effective level, for optimal results on all kind of fabrics.


Plus X Award

Plus X Award

The Plus X Award is a prize that distinguishes innovations being viable for the future, which simplify consumer’s lives, make them more enjoyable and which are ecologically meaningful.

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TexStyle 7 Steam Iron TS 775 TP Grey