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  1. PowerBlend 9 Jug blender
  2. Smoothie2Go blending set BRSK002
Jug Blenders

Smoothie2Go blending set BRSK002


Opis proizvoda

With the clever new Smoothie2Go bottle, compatible with the Braun PowerBlend 9 Jug blender, you can prepare and take fresh smoothies with you in the same convenient 600 ml bottle. Simply fill it with your favourite fresh ingredients, blend and head on out. 


Što je u kutiji

2 x To go bottle with lids, blade group and skirt

2 x To go bottle with lids, blade group and skirt



Blend in the bottle and take it on the go with you. Comes with ergonomic drinking spout and sealed lid. Suitable for frozen drinks.

Easy to open and close

Anti-drip lid

Leak-proof lid for safe transport

Dishwasher safe bottles

For easy cleaning

Tritan™ S2Go bottle

Smoothie2Go bottle made with Tritan™: shatter, odor and taste resistant.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Mjerna čaša dualne funkcije: Da
    • Prijenosne čaše za smoothie: 2
    • Prikladno za tople i hladne napitke: Da
    • Kapacitet: 600 ml
    • Materijal: Tritan™
    • Perivo u perilici za posuđe: Da
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Boja: Black
    • Poklopac sa zaštitom od propuštanja za siguran prijenos: Da
Smoothie2Go blending set BRSK002