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  1. Kettles
  2. PurShine Water kettle WK 1500 Black

PurShine Water kettle WK 1500 Black

Stainless steel / white

Opis proizvoda

Brighten up your morning – with the all-new PurShine breakfast collection. You’ll love this easy-to-use and stylish product range that helps you make your breakfast quick and tasty. The 1.7 litre stainless steel water kettle with our Rapid Boil System is ideal for a quick cup of perfect tea – it boils 200ml of water in just 45 seconds! Available in both black and white, the collection features Braun’s iconic design and brushed metal highlights that brighten up any kitchen.


RapidBoil System

Enjoy the speed of high-performace boiling. Boils 200 ml in 45 seconds.

4-way protection

Auto-off when the temperature is reached, when the kettle is empty or removed from its base and extra stability granted up to 15° inclination.

Easy filling sytem

The wide front opening enables easier and direct filling from the tap.

Stainless Steel Kettle

Good-looking and long-lasting - the kettle is made of robust stainless steel both inside and out, which makes it durable and easy to clean.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Ručka: Closed
    • Sigurnost/zaštita: 4-way
    • Poklopac: Flip lid
    • Sustav jednostavnog punjenja: Da
    • Sustav brzog prokuhavanja: Da
    • Filtar za zaštitu od kamenca: Da
    • Okno za vodu: Da
    • Podloga od 360°: Da
    • Kapacitet: 1.7 l
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Kućište: Stainless steel
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 2200
    • Ugrađeni spremnik za kabel napajanja: Da
    • Boja: Stainless steel/ black