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Braun Air fryer

Healthy cooking made easy – enjoy delicious and versatile meals every day.

Braun Air fryer

Braun Air fryer

Essential and practical (2)
More than frying (2)
Double drawer (1)
Newest products (4)
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MultiFry 3

Your easy way to delicious food.

MultiFry 3
MultiFry 3

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

Crispy results

Our RealAir Technology circulates super-hot air around your food for crispy results.

8 automatic programs

Enjoy fantastic versatility.

Large portions

Plenty of capacity thanks to 4.3 L drawer.

MultiFry 5

Enjoy delicious results faster¹.

MultiFry 5
MultiFry 5

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

8 automatic programs

Eliminate the guesswork and increase the variety of dishes you can prepare.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

From 80° to 200°

Precisely regulate the temperature within each program.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

MultiFry 5 3in1

Enjoy crispier results faster².

MultiFry 5 Heißluftfritteuse 3 in 1
MultiFry 5 Heißluftfritteuse 3 in 1

3 in 1

Frittieren, backen und grillen: Alles in einen Gerät.

Knusprige Ergebnisse

Die RealOven Technologie sorgt für eine optimale Hitzeverteilung und so für knusprige Ergebnisse in kürzester Zeit.

Gesundes Kochen

Genieße den Geschmack, den du liebst, mit bis zu 90 % weniger Fett⁵.

20 Kochprogramme

Erlebe die Vielfalt an Zubereitungsmöglichkeiten.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

MultiFry 5 2in1

Enjoy crispier results faster².

MultiFry 5 2in1
MultiFry 5 2in1


Air Fry, FastOven: Enjoy a range of functions.

Crispy results

Hot air circulates around your food for crispy results in no-time thanks to RealOven Tec.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

15 automatic programs

Eliminate guesswork and increase your food variety.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

TwinCook 3

Double your delicious in half the time³.

TwinCook 3
TwinCook 3

2 drawers

Prepare two dishes at once in separate drawers and enjoy a complete meal.

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

Crispy results

Our RealAir Technology circulates super-hot air around your food for crispy results.

8 automatic programs

Enjoy fantastic versatility.

Sync Function

Your dishes are ready at the same time.

MultiFry 5

Enjoy delicious results faster¹.

MultiFry 5
MultiFry 5

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

8 automatic programs

Eliminate the guesswork and increase the variety of dishes you can prepare.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

From 80° to 200°

Precisely regulate the temperature within each program.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

MultiFry 5 3in1

Enjoy crispier results faster².

MultiFry 5 3in1
MultiFry 5 3in1


Air Fry, Grill, FastOven: Enjoy a range of functions.

Crispy results

Hot air circulates around your food for crispy results in no-time thanks to RealOven Tec.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

20 automatic programs

Eliminate guesswork and increase your food variety.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

MultiFry 5 2in1

Enjoy crispier results faster².

MultiFry 5 2in1
MultiFry 5 2in1


Air Fry, FastOven: Enjoy a range of functions.

Crispy results

Hot air circulates around your food for crispy results in no-time thanks to RealOven Tec.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

15 automatic programs

Eliminate guesswork and increase your food variety.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

TwinCook 3

Double your delicious in half the time³.

TwinCook 3
TwinCook 3

2 drawers

Prepare two dishes at once in separate drawers and enjoy a complete meal.

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

Crispy results

Our RealAir Technology circulates super-hot air around your food for crispy results.

8 automatic programs

Enjoy fantastic versatility.

Sync Function

Your dishes are ready at the same time.

MultiFry 3

Your easy way to delicious food.

MultiFry 3
MultiFry 3

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

Crispy results

Our RealAir Technology circulates super-hot air around your food for crispy results.

8 automatic programs

Enjoy fantastic versatility.

Large portions

Plenty of capacity thanks to 4.3 L drawer.

MultiFry 5

Enjoy delicious results faster¹.

MultiFry 5
MultiFry 5

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

8 automatic programs

Eliminate the guesswork and increase the variety of dishes you can prepare.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

From 80° to 200°

Precisely regulate the temperature within each program.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

MultiFry 5 3in1

Enjoy crispier results faster².

MultiFry 5 3in1
MultiFry 5 3in1


Air Fry, Grill, FastOven: Enjoy a range of functions.

Crispy results

Hot air circulates around your food for crispy results in no-time thanks to RealOven Tec.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

20 automatic programs

Eliminate guesswork and increase your food variety.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

MultiFry 5 2in1

Enjoy crispier results faster².

MultiFry 5 2in1
MultiFry 5 2in1


Air Fry, FastOven: Enjoy a range of functions.

Crispy results

Hot air circulates around your food for crispy results in no-time thanks to RealOven Tec.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

15 automatic programs

Eliminate guesswork and increase your food variety.

Big capacity

6 L of capacity to feed the whole family.

Energy saving

Save up to 70% energy¹ compared to a traditional electric oven.

TwinCook 3

Double your delicious in half the time³.

TwinCook 3
TwinCook 3

2 drawers

Prepare two dishes at once in separate drawers and enjoy a complete meal.

50% faster cooking¹

With RealAir Technology, no preheat time is needed.

Healthy cooking

Get all the delicious taste you love, with up to 90% less fat⁵.

Crispy results

Our RealAir Technology circulates super-hot air around your food for crispy results.

8 automatic programs

Enjoy fantastic versatility.

Sync Function

Your dishes are ready at the same time.

Braun TwinCook 3 Air fryer on a table, surrounded by plates of delicious food.

Entdecke die Braun Heißluftfritteusen.

Heißluftfritteusen sind eine großartige Möglichkeit, eine Vielzahl von leckeren Gerichten auf eine gesündere Art zuzubereiten. Mit den vielseitigen Heißluftfritteusen von Braun profitierst du von hochwertiger Leistung und einer einfachen Bedienung. Bereite deine Lieblingsgerichte gesünder zu, egal ob knusprige Pommes frites, ein saftiges Hähnchen, Grillgemüse oder einen leckeren Kuchen. Erlebe köstliche Gerichte mit weniger Fett und spare dabei wertvolle Zeit und Energie.
Close-up of Braun's MultiFry 3 Air fryer. On the right, a person is pouring golden, crispy pommes frites from the air fryer’s removable drawer into a serving bowl.

Knusprigkeit liegt uns am Herzen.

Von knusprigen Chicken Wings und Pommes frites bis hin zu fluffigen Kuchen und köstlichen Keksen – mit unseren Braun Heißluftfritteusen genießt du deine Lieblingsgerichte gesünder und knuspriger denn je, mit bis zu 90 % weniger Fett⁴.

Ein Großteil unserer Heißluftfritteusen sind mit der RealAir Technologie ausgestattet, die heiße Luft gleichmäßig um deine Speisen zirkuliert und so für knusprige Ergebnisse sorgt.

Die Modelle HF 5050I BK und HF 5073I BK verfügen über die innovative RealOven Technologie: Zwei Heizelemente – eines über und eines unter dem Garkorb – sorgen für eine hervorragende Wärmeverteilung. Diese Technologie liefert schnellere und knusprigere Ergebnisse im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Elektrobackofen der Klasse A.
Young girl helps her mother prepare a pizza with the Braun TwinCook 3 Air fryer.

Weniger Zeit fürs Kochen, mehr Zeit zum Genießen.

Spare nicht nur Öl oder Fett bei der Zubereitung deiner Lieblingsgerichte, sondern auch jede Menge Zeit und Energie. Die Braun Heißluftfritteusen liefern knusprige Ergebnisse und verbrauchen dabei bis zu 70 % weniger Energie als ein Elektrobackofen der Klasse A – und das ganz ohne Vorheizen. So sparst du Zeit beim Kochen und hast mehr Zeit zum Genießen.
Braun air fryer filled with seasoned chicken and various fresh ingredients, ready for a healthy cooking experience.

Entdecke eine neue Art des Kochens mit unseren Braun Heißluftfritteusen.

Tap to explore
Braun air fryer filled with seasoned chicken and various fresh ingredients, ready for a healthy cooking experience.
RealAir Technologie

Heiße Luft, die um frische, leckere Lebensmittel zirkuliert, sorgt für eine gleichmäßige Zubereitung, liefert knusprige Ergebnisse mit nur wenig Öl/Fett und das in kürzester Zeit.

RealOven Technologie

Kochen mit zwei Heizelementen - eines über und eines unter dem Garkorb - und einer hervorragende Wärmeverteilung für schnellere, knusprigere Ergebnisse als bei herkömmlichen Elektrobacköfen oder Elektrogrills.

Sync Funktion

Ermöglicht, dass du zwei verschiedene Gerichte - je eines pro Garkorb - bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen zubereitest und beide gleichzeitig fertig sind.

Good reasons for even better results.

Gătire automată.

Indiferent ce dorești să gătești, friteuzele cu aer cald Braun îți ușurează munca. Datorită programelor de gătit prestabilite, timpul și temperatura sunt deja setate, pentru a prepara până la 20 de feluri de mâncare. Tot ce trebuie să faci este să apeși butonul - și, desigur, să te bucuri de rezultatele delicioase.

Close-up of the Braun MultiFry 5 with its digital display. A woman hand presses one of the numerous automatic cooking programmes.

Posibilități multiple.

Friteuzele cu aer cald Braun oferă posibilitatea de a prepata gustări sau mese pentru întreaga familie. Un sertar de 4,3L sau 6,0L - sau chiar două dacă vorbim despre TwinCook 3 - facilitează pregătirea meselor delicioase indiferent de numărul invitaților.

The 2 drawers of the Braun TwinCook 3 hot air fryer are pulled out. The left drawer is filled with perfectly cooked salmon, the right drawer with crispy, steamed broccoli.

Curățare ușoară.

După deliciul culinar urmează spălatul vaselor? Nu și în cazul friteuzei cu aer cald Braun. Datorită suprafețelor antiaderente și a componentelor lavabile în mașina de spălat vase, curățarea este rapidă și fără efort. Petreci mai puțin timp spălând vasele și mai mult timp bucurându-te de creațiile tale delicioase.

The Drawer of the Air fryer is placed in the dishwasher.
A woman is taking a piece of crispy quiche out of the drawer of a Braun MultiFry Air fryer.

Pur și simplu delicios, pur și simplu sănătos.

Află mai multe despre nutriție și alimentație sănătoasă.


Descoperă mai multe


Nova Braun TwinCook 3

Duplique as suas opções em metade do tempo.³

Braun’s new TwinCook 3

Nova Air fryer Braun MultiFry 5

Desfrute de resultados mais crocantes, mais rapidamente.²

Braun’s new MultiFry 5 air fryer

¹ Cozinhar 500 gr de batatas fritas congeladas em comparação com um forno elétrico tradicional de classe A
² vs Braun MultiFry sem RealOven Tec
³ 50% mais rápido, ao cozinhar 500 g de batatas fritas congeladas em comparação com um forno elétrico tradicional de classe A
⁴ Em comparação com batatas frescas caseiras preparadas numa fritadeira convencional.
⁵ Em comparação com batatas frescas caseiras preparadas numa fritadeira convencional.
