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  1. Food preparation
  2. MQS 300 Purée accessory Black

MQS 300 Purée accessory Black


Opis proizvoda

The purée accessory mashes and purées cooked vegetables. It offers further blending options for food preparation. The masher is the ideal kitchen aid for a convenient and fast preparation of perfect mashed potatoes – mashing and puréeing cooked vegetables into a creamy, smooth consistency is just so simple.

Što je u kutiji

Purée accessory

Purée accessory


Compatible with straight cut motor units

This attachment is compatible with all Braun motor units with straight cut design.

EasyClick system Plus

Faster attaching of EasyClick Plus accessories thanks to bigger, easier to use buttons and the intuitive straight cut design.

Purée / masher accessory

Effortlessly purée and mash cooked vegetables to a silky smooth result.

Dishwasher safe

Refer to the instruction manual for detailed information on which parts are dishwasher safe.

BPA-free food contact parts

*Based on third-party testing.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Attachments are easy to assemble: Da
    • Purée accessory: Da
    • Boja: Black
    • Compatible with: EasyClick Plus models: MultiQuick 7 (Type HB701XX), MultiQuick 9 (Type 4200 & Type HB901XX)
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za suđe: Da
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
MQS 300 Purée accessory Black