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  1. Food preparation
  2. MQS 005 Storage stand accessory Black

MQS 005 Storage stand accessory Black


Opis proizvoda

This practical stand is the ideal storage option for any hand blender featuring ActiveBlade Technology.

Što je u kutiji




Compatible with straight cut motor units

This attachment is compatible with all Braun motor units with straight cut design.

Storage stand

Storage stand for ActiveBlade shaft

EasyClick system Plus

Faster attaching of EasyClick Plus accessories thanks to bigger, easier to use buttons and the intuitive straight cut design.

Dishwasher safe

Refer to the instruction manual for detailed information on which parts are dishwasher safe.

BPA-free food contact parts

*Based on third-party testing.

Tehnički podaci

    • Compatible with: All models with ACTIVEBlade shaft
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za suđe: Da
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
MQS 005 Storage stand accessory Black MQS005BK