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Braun MultiFry 5 Airfryer with Oven, Grill and Airfryer modes standing on a kitchen counter, surronded by plates with chocolate cake, fries, pizza and grilled dishes
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Braun MultiFry 5

For faster and crispier results*.

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Braun MultiFry 5
*vs. Braun MultiFry w/o RealOven Tec 3In1

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Braun’s new TwinCook 3

Double your delicious in half the time.

The two drawers of the TwinCook 3 air fryer are pulled out, showing the left drawer filled with freshly grilled fish and the right drawer brimming with perfectly cooked vegetables.

PowerBlend 7

Texturas personalizáveis. Mistura potente.
50% mais fino e 2x mais rápido*.

Braun Household PowerBlend 7 Jug blender in silver and black with an attached smootie2go bottle

Nova MultiQuick 5

Resultados até 4x mais finos.*

Braun’s new MultiQuick 5 Hand blender

Descubra o mundo Braun Household

Tratamento de tecidos

Para as utilizar durante muito tempo: Como cuidar das suas peças favoritas.

Young woman holding a plie of folded laundry.

Tipos de grelhados

Desde os tradicionais favoritos até às delícias mais exóticas.

Man seasoning steak grilled on Braun MultiGrill 9 Pro multifunctional contact grill.

Manifesto da marca

Um bom design é duradouro. A abordagem da Braun à sustentabilidade.

Braun Household MultiQuick 9 Hand blender set up in a testing device to ensure the product quality over a long time

Vegan ou não

Explore as diferenças deliciosas - e as semelhanças também.

Rolled vegan pancakes with quickpea filling on a plate.

¹comparative analysis on number of hand blenders' accessories marketed by competitors - year 2022. Applies to MultiQuick 3 to MultiQuick 9.
²Source: independed Research Institute. Sales leader Full Year 2022