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  1. Hand blenders
  2. MultiQuick 1 Hand blender MQ 120 Pesto
Hand blenders

MultiQuick 1 Hand blender MQ 120 Pesto


Opis proizvoda

The MultiQuick 1 Hand blender MQ 120 Pesto has a simple speed activation for easy blending with simply one touch.

Što je u kutiji

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MultiQuick 1 MQ 100

Chopper 350ml

Chopper 350ml




PowerBell Technology

Unique hand blending technology proven to produce finer more even results.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing – to keep you and your kitchen spotless.

Simple speed activation

Start blending the easy way – simply with one touch.

450 W

Powerful silent and compact motor – guaranteed reliability. Performance for fastest and finest food processing results.


Chops hard cheese, nuts, herbs and carrots in seconds.

600 ml BPA-free plastic beaker

The 600 ml plastic beaker is BPA free and features ml and floz measurement markings.


Plus X Award

Plus X Award

The Plus X Award is a prize that distinguishes innovations being viable for the future, which simplify consumer’s lives, make them more enjoyable and which are ecologically meaningful.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 450
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Boja: White / grey
    • Materijal osovine za blendanje: Stainless steel
    • Duljina kabela za napajanje: 1.2 m
    • Materijal noža: Stainless steel
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za suđe (pogledajte upute): Da
    • Postavke brzine: One- touch speed
    • Regulacija brzine: One- touch speed button
    • Tehnologija PowerBell uz SPLASHControl: za besprijekorne rezultate: Da
    • Vrč 600 ml: Da
    • Sjeckalica (ml): Da
    • Sjeckalica (ml): 350
MultiQuick 1 Hand blender MQ 120 Pesto