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Enjoy professional level results and precision performance for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Experience unlimited versatility with two different plates and three cooking positions on Braun’s largest cooking surface.* You’ll love the speed and efficiency of 2200 watts of power via the embedded heating elements for faster cooking and the precision of the integrated thermoprobe. And if you’re serious about searing, the Sear Button sends the grill to 265°C to form a rich brown crust that amplifies the flavour of any cut of meat.
*27% larger than MultiGrill 7.
Enjoy your favourite meat grilled to perfection from rare to well done.
Transferring the heat directly to the plates for faster and consistent heating.
Maximum versatility thanks to the contact, open and oven position.
Panini, hamburger and keep warm function make it easy to grill crowd-pleasing favourites to perfection.
Let you precisely regulate the temperature of each plate separately so you can simultaneously cook two types of food at two temperatures.
For an extra boost of power, sending the grill to 265°C for a few minutes to form a rich brown crust that amplifies the savoury flavour of your favourite thick meats.
Enjoy quick heating and plenty of power for professional-level grilling results.
Überschüssiges Öl läuft beim Kochen ab, damit du gesündere Mahlzeiten zubereiten kannst.
Zur einfachen Aufbewahrung und Reinigung.
Alle Platten sowie die Auffangschale sind spülmaschinenfest.
Bietet Ihnen eine großzügige Grillfläche, um eine Mahlzeit für bis zu 8 Personen zuzubereiten. * 27 % größer als der MultiGrill 7
Der Braun MultiGrill CG 9160 wurde von der ETM-Testzeitschrift mit sehr gut bewertet.