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  1. PowerBlend 3 Jug blender
  2. PowerBlend 3 Jug blender JB 3150 Black
Jug Blenders

PowerBlend 3 Jug blender JB 3150 Black

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Opis proizvoda

The new PowerBlend 3 Jug blender makes preparing your favourite food and beverages fast and easy. The specially designed triangular-shaped jug features TriAction Technology for easy blending of all kinds of food. Its unique edges help avoid blind spots and redirect the ingredients to the blending area faster for great results for all your recipes.

Što je u kutiji

PowerBlend 3 Jug blender black with glass jug

PowerBlend 3 Jug blender black with glass jug


TriAction Technology

Blend all kinds of food. Thanks to the specially designed triangular-shaped jug, blind spots are avoided and the ingredients are redirected faster to the blending area.

SmoothCrush blade system

The higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation, creating perfect flow for optimum blending results.

Powerful 800 Watt motor

Enjoy the power you need to mix, puree, crush ice, and more. The highly efficient 800 Watt motor makes preparing your favourite food and beverages fast and easy.

Easy to clean

All parts are easy to disassemble and can be placed directly into dishwasher, including goblet, lid and even blades.

Silent blending

Designed for less noise and more efficient blending, the PowerBlend 3 lets you whip up your morning smoothie without waking up the whole house.

Thermo resistant glass

No blending limits - easily blend sauces, hot soups, icy drinks and more without the risk of thermal cracking.


Plus X Award High Quality Design 2019 2020

Plus X Award High Quality Design 2019 2020

The Plus X Award is a prize that distinguishes innovations being viable for the future, which simplify consumer’s lives, make them more enjoyable and which are ecologically meaningful.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • TriAction Technology: Triangular jug for efficient blending circulation: Da
    • Materijal vrča: Thermo resistant glass
    • Radni kapacitet: 1.5 l
    • Postavke brzine: Variable speeds
    • Funkcija pulsiranja: yes
    • Measuring cup: Da
    • Silent blending: Da
    • Duljina kabela za napajanje: 850 mm
    • Trokutasti vrč za efikasno kruženje blendanja: Da
    • Boja: Black
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za suđe: Da
    • Materijal oštrice: Stainless steel
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 800
    • Sigurnosni sustav: Da
    • Uklonjiv nož blendera: Da
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Pohrana kabela: Da
    • Product weight: 2,293 g
    • Product dimensions: 400 x 200 mm
PowerBlend 3 Jug blender JB 3150 Black