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  1. ID Breakfast Collection Coffee machines
  2. IDCollection Coffee maker KF 5105 White
Coffee machines

IDCollection Coffee maker KF 5105 White

Stainless steel / white

Opis proizvoda

With the new ID Breakfast Collection coffee makers, enjoying coffee your way got much easier. Customize the flavour intensity of your coffee: strong, regular or mild. With a simple touch of a button you can select how strong you want your coffee to be. What’s more, the OptiBrew System optimizes temperature, brewing time and extraction for maximum coffee flavour.

Što je u kutiji

IDCollection KF5105 WH with thermal carafe

IDCollection KF5105 WH with thermal carafe


1-4 cups setting

For the finest aroma even when brewing small quantities.


Customize the flavor intensity of your coffee: strong, regular or mild.

Convenient double-filling system

Fill in water with the carafe or directly into the removable water tank.


Every Braun coffee maker features the OptiBrewSystem for outstanding coffee taste and aroma. This Braun coffee technology delivers maximum flavour by optimizing temperature, brewing time and extraction. Enjoy a perfectly balanced cup of coffee – time after time

Descale warning and special cleaning program

Maintaining great coffee aroma is easy and carefree thanks to Braun's descaling warning and special cleaning program for longer lifetime.Enjoy your perfect coffee taste-time after time

Anti-drip system

Thanks to the drip-stop feature you can pour a cup of coffee anytime during the brewing cycle.

10cup stainless steel thermal carafe

10cup stainless steel thermal carafe with open handle.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 1000
    • Boja: Stainless steel / White
    • Pohrana kabela: Da
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za suđe: Da
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Upravljačka ploča: Buttons
    • Dizajn za jednostavno čišćenje: Da
    • Gumb za otpuštanje filtra za jednostavno umetanje i punjenje: Da
    • Osvjetljeni gumbi: Da
    • Jednostavno točenje: Da
    • Sustav OptiBrew: Da
    • Sustav za pripremu toplih napitaka: OptiBrew
    • Automatsko isključivanje: Da
    • Birač jačine kave: Da
    • Upozorenje o potrebnom uklanjanju kamenca: Da
    • Kapacitet: 10 cups
    • Vrsta bokala: Thermal carafe
    • Koš za filtre: Pivoting removable filter basket
    • Gumb za 1 do 4 šalice: Da
    • Zaustavljanje kapanja: Da
    • Pokazivač razine vode: Da
IDCollection Coffee maker KF 5105 White