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  1. ID Breakfast Collection Kettles
  2. IDCollection Water kettle WK 5115 Black

IDCollection Water kettle WK 5115 Black

Stainless steel / white

Opis proizvoda

The ID Breakfast kettle lets you customize your favourite beverages to make the most of every morning! Its 5 temperature settings let you bring out the full flavour of your favourite teas. Enjoy convenient features like a keep warm function and descale warning as well as Braun’s rapid boil system.


EasyClean Design

The seamless and sleek design makes cleaning quick and easy. Resulting in more hygienic and long-lasting performance, since there are simply no ventilation slots to let anything get inside the housing.

Intuitive Interface

With illuminated buttons for defrost, reheat and cancel function.

Double-sided rear water window

Water window is conveniently located on each side, closed to the handle, to grant visibility at all time.

Anti-scale filter

Removable and washable,for a great cup of tea at all times

Practical flip lid

Lid can be opened immediately with just one touch, allowing also high opening angle.


For all parts intended to be in contact with food. Based on third-party testing.

4-way protection

Auto-off when the temperature is reached, when the kettle is empty or removed from its base and extra stability granted up to 15° inclination.

RapidBoil System

Enjoy the speed of high-performace boiling. Boils 200 ml in 45 seconds.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 3000
    • Kapacitet: 1.7 l
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Kućište: Plastic
    • Ugrađeni spremnik za kabel napajanja: Da
    • Boja: StainlessSteelBlack
    • Ručka: Open
    • Sigurnost/zaštita: 4-way
    • Poklopac: Flip lid
    • Sustav jednostavnog punjenja: Da
    • Sustav brzog prokuhavanja: Da
    • Filtar za zaštitu od kamenca: Da
    • Okno za vodu: Da
    • Podloga od 360°: Da
    • Upozorenje o potrebnom uklanjanju kamenca: Da
    • Upravljanje temperaturom: 5 temperatures (40°, 70°, 80°, 90°, 100°)
    • Funkcija održavanja topline: Da
    • Oznaka za jednu šalicu: Da
    • Zvučni signal za spremnost: Da