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  1. Spin juicers
  2. PurEase Spin juicer SJ 3100 Black
Spin juicers

PurEase Spin juicer SJ 3100 Black


Opis proizvoda

With the PurEase spin juicer making fresh, homemade juice has never been easier and faster. Now you can get your early-morning vitamin boost in less than 15 seconds with the innovative combination of Braun’s FastXtract Technology and ColdXtract Technology – which lets you get the optimum vitamins from your fresh fruits and vegetables.

Što je u kutiji

PurEase Spin Juicer SJ 3100 Black

PurEase Spin Juicer SJ 3100 Black

Foam separator jug

Foam separator jug

Cleaning brush

Cleaning brush


FastXtract Technology

For a full glass (200ml) of juice in less than 15 seconds

Round chute

Convenient round shaped 55mm feeding chute to minimize the preparation effort.

Anti-drip system

One-touch anti-drip system for a spotless kitchen.

ColdXtract Technology

Preserves vitamins as there is less than 1°C temperature increase from juicing.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Sustav za brzo cijeđenje soka: Da
    • Veliki otvor za ulaganje: 55 mm
    • Izravno posluživanje u čašu: Da
    • Inovativni sustav protiv kapanja: Da
    • Postavke brzine: 1
    • Četverosmjerna zaštita: Da
    • Spremnik za pulpu: 1.25L
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Boja: Black
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 600
    • Dizajn za jednostavno čišćenje: Da
    • Pohrana kabela: Da
    • Sito od mikromrežice od nehrđajućeg čelika: Da
    • Podloga protiv proklizavanja: Da
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za posuđe* (*pogledajte upute): Da
    • Vrč za odvajanje pjene: Yes
    • Pribor za čišćenje: Brush
PurEase Spin juicer SJ 3100 Black