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  1. CareStyle 3
  2. CareStyle 3 Steam generator iron IS 3022 White/green
Steam generator irons

CareStyle 3 Steam generator iron IS 3022 White/green


Opis proizvoda

Outstanding in its space-saving design, the new CareStyle 3 steam generator iron features the most compact dimensions of the Braun CareStyle series. Its lightweight compact form and slim rounded design make it easy to move and store.


DoubleSteam Technology

Produces more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons, which helps cut your ironing time in half. Steam rate is 100% higher so you only have to go over a spot once instead of twice.* *Internal laboratory test, compared to Braun TexStyle 5

DoubleSteam Technology

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Its unique upward curving soleplate guarantees 360° glideability. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Easy CalcClean system

Ensures long-lasting performance by automatically warning of any mineral scaling build-up. When the CalcClean alert blinks, two minutes is all it takes to descale.

Easy CalcClean system


Easy Lock System

Easy lock system to carry and store iron easily. Simply place the soleplate into the recess on the iron rest and push the slider towards the iron to lock.

Extra-large removable tank

Easy to refill, transport and store. Fewer interruptions for refilling, which makes ironing faster.

Easy cord storage

No more annoying cord dangling when moving and storing your steam generator iron. Simply affix your steam hose and power cord on the widgets located on the side of the appliance.

DoubleSteam technology

Produce more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons*, which helps cut your ironing time in half. Steam rate is 100% higher so you only have to go over a spot once.* Internal laboratory test, compared to Braun TexStyle 5.

50% less time consuming

According to internal laboratory tests, compared to Braun TexStyle 5.

Rapid heat up

No need to wait long before starting to iron.

Boiler Sleep Mode

After 10 minutes of non-use, the temperature of the boiler goes down which reduces the energy consumption.

CalcClean system for perfect steam

The CalcClean system ensures that you will be able to enjoy long-lasting performance from your device. It alerts you to any build-up of mineral scaling, and the cleaning process is simple and convenient. Just follow 3 easy steps after your device cooled down: open the CalcClean valve, fill & shake, then close the valve and press the button on the interface panel. The light will turn on when it’s time to clean again – It’s just that simple.

Eloxal soleplate

Smoothes perfectly and fast. Even backwards.

Excellent steam rate

Heavy steam output makes the steam generator iron a more powerful and easy way to keep all of your garments wrinkle-free.

High precision temperature control

Mechanical: Thermostat Knob

5,5 bar

5,5 bar boiler pressure.

High steam pressure and extra steam shot for optimum

Higher pump pressure helps the fine steam completely permeate the fabric, so that ironing is ultra-easy. Even the most stubborn creases are smooth in a flash thanks to the additional steam shot.

World’s first FreeGlide3D soleplate

No more getting caught on buttons and pockets.


iF Product Design Award Gold 2016

iF Product Design Award Gold 2016

The iF product design award is one of the longest-standing and most important product design awards in the world. This label signals outstanding products to consumers everywhere in the world.

German Design Award Winner 2016

German Design Award Winner 2016

The German Design Council is one of the world’s leading centers of expertise on design. The aim of the German Design Award is to identify, present and honor unique design trends.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 2400
    • Udar pare: 330 g/min
    • Jačina pare: 120 g/min
    • Pohrana kabela: Da
    • Boja: Tribute green
    • Prikladno za vodu iz slavine: Da
    • Tlak: 5,5 bar (boiler pressure)
    • Kapacitet spremnika za vodu: 2 L
    • Premaz temeljne ploče: Eloxal
    • Duljina kabela za napajanje: 1,8 m
    • Način isključivanja: Boiler sleep mode
    • Uklonjivi spremnik za vodu: Da
    • FreeGlide 3D tehnologija za klizno pomicanje unatrag preko svih vrsta prepreka: Da
    • Pametna zaštita tekstila zahvaljujući iCare tehnologiji: Ne
    • Postavke: Mechanical: Thermostat knob
    • Okomito puštanje pare: Da
    • Antibakterijska funkcija u temperaturnom načinu Turbo* (*neovisni laboratorijski test): Ne
    • Precizna pipeta: Ne
    • Značajka uklanjanja kamenca: Easy CalcClean system
    • Tehnologija tihog rada* (*interni laboratorijski test u odnosu na CareStyle 3): Ne
    • Sustav jednostavnog zaključavanja: Da
    • Tehnologija DoubleSteam* (*interni laboratorijski test u usporedbi s modelom Braun TexStyle 5): Da
    • Brzo zagrijavanje: 2 min
    • Digitalni sustav protiv kapanja: Ne
    • Kontinuirana nadopuna: Da
CareStyle 3 Steam generator iron IS 3022 White/green