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Braun MultiFry 5 Airfryer with Oven, Grill and Airfryer modes standing on a kitchen counter, surronded by plates with chocolate cake, fries, pizza and grilled dishes
  • New

Braun MultiFry 5

For faster and crispier results*.

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Braun MultiFry 5
*vs. Braun MultiFry w/o RealOven Tec 3In1

Ultimele inovații Braun

Noul CareStyle 9

Cea mai inovatoare stație de călcat de la Braun.

Braun‘s most innovative steam generator iron.

Braun’s new TwinCook 3

Double your delicious in half the time.

The two drawers of the TwinCook 3 air fryer are pulled out, showing the left drawer filled with freshly grilled fish and the right drawer brimming with perfectly cooked vegetables.

PowerBlend 7

"Texturi personalizabile. Mixare puternică.
50% mai fin și de 2 ori mai rapid*."

Braun Household PowerBlend 7 Jug blender in silver and black with an attached smootie2go bottle

Noul Braun MultiQuick 5

Rezultate de până la 4x mai fine.*

Braun’s new MultiQuick 5 Hand blender

Descoperă universul Braun

Îngrijirea hainelor

Bucură-te de articolele tale preferate pentru o lungă perioadă de timp.

Young woman holding a plie of folded laundry.

Tipuri de grătare

De la preparate tradiționale la delicii exotice.

Man seasoning steak grilled on Braun MultiGrill 9 Pro multifunctional contact grill.

Brand Manifesto

Good design is long-lasting. Braun's approach on sustainability.

Braun Household MultiQuick 9 Hand blender set up in a testing device to ensure the product quality over a long time

Vegan or not

Explore the delicious differences - and similarities.

Rolled vegan pancakes with quickpea filling on a plate.

¹analiză comparativă privind numărul de accesorii pentru mixerele verticlae comercializate de concurență - anul 2022. Se aplică începând de la  MultiQuick 3 până la MultiQuick 9.
²Sursa: Institutul de cercetare independent. Lider de vânzări pe întregul an, 2022