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How do I descale my MultiServe coffee maker?

When the LED CLEAN light start flashing it is time to descale your machine.

- Remove the gold tone and charcoal filters before descaling
- Add descaling solution (following packaging instruction) into the water tank and fill up with water
- Place the empty glass carafe onto the warming plate
- Place the lever in position "Coffee" and press the On/Off button
- Press Clean and than Set to start the descaling process. The countdown timer will start displaying 23 minutes
- Once the cleaning process is complete the countdown will show 4 minutes and the clean light will flash. Empty the carafe of cleaning solution.
- Fill the water tank with a full 10 cups pot of fresh water, place the empty carafe in the warming plate, and press clean to start the rinsing cycle.
- When the program is complete, the On/Off and Clean lights will turn off
- Empty and wash the carafe before use.

Please note: Once the cleaning cycle has started, it is not recommended to stop. However, if the cycle is started in error please follow the steps below: 

1) remove the water tank 
2) when the display shows 04 (it would take a minute) press the clean button again 
3) after few seconds the unit will blink and the clean light will turn off 
