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By placing the motor directly over the attachments, the weight is directed into the bowl, not in your hand - for up to 40% less effort while mixing.
Adjust the speed dial from low to turbo with a flick of the thumb for better control and efficiency in preparing food.
Non-slip handle ensures a steady, cushy and secure grip even at the highest speed.
Due to the clever design, the hand mixer intuitively fastens all attachments to the front, allowing the same comfortable hand position to be maintained for mixing, blending and resting no matter which attachment is used. Since it stands stably with any attachment, your work area stays clean, so you can quickly move on to the next step without interruptions.
While resting your hand mixer or in use, the cord conveniently stays away from your hand.
The red dot is an internationally recognized and sought-after quality seal since 1954. The international jury awards it only to projects that stand out significantly thanks to their excellent design.
The Plus X Award is a prize that distinguishes innovations being viable for the future, which simplify consumer’s lives, make them more enjoyable and which are ecologically meaningful.