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  3. Vegan roasted cauliflower with oriental spices

Vegan roasted cauliflower with oriental spices

75 min
lorem ipsum


Porzioni: 4

6  olive oil, for the spice paste
3  lemon juice, for the spice paste
1  agave syrup, (or honey for non-vegan version), for the spice paste
1  onion, for the spice paste
1  garlic clove, for the spice paste
1 tsp. cumin seeds, for the spice paste
1 tsp. ground cinnamon, for the spice paste
1 tsp. cardamom, for the spice paste
½ tsp. black pepper seeds, for the spice paste
2 tsp. salt, for the spice paste
1  cauliflower
240 grams couscous, for the side dish
300 ml water, for the side dish
1  red onion, for the side dish
1 bunch of parsley, for the side dish
2  garlic cloves, for the side dish
4  olive oil, for the side dish
1 juice of lemon, for the side dish
1  pomegranate, for the side dish
80 grams raisins, for the side dish
1 tsp. ground cumin, for the side dish


FASE 1 /13

For the spice paste: Peel the onion and the garlic.

FASE 2 /13

Place all ingredients for the spice paste in Braun’s MultiQuick 7 350 ml chopper attachment and finely blend. If the paste isn’t smooth enough, add a little bit of water and mix again.

FASE 3 /13

For the cauliflower: Preheat the oven to 200 C°. Fill an ovenproof pan halfway with water and set it on the bottom of the oven.

FASE 4 /13

Cut off the stalk of the cauliflower and peel away any leaves. Place the head upside down in an oven safe cast-iron pan or pot.

FASE 5 /13

Pour in 2/3 of the spice paste and shake the cauliflower around so that the paste covers all parts from the inside. Turn the cauliflower and brush the rest of the paste over the head.

FASE 6 /13

Place the pot in the oven and roast for approx.. 45-50 minutes.

FASE 7 /13

For the couscous: Bring 300 ml of lightly salted water to a boil in a small saucepan. Once the water boils, add about 240 g of couscous and stir thoroughly.

FASE 8 /13

Then remove the pot from the heat and let it soak for about 5 minutes with the lid closed, without adding any more heat.

FASE 9 /13

Gently stir the couscous with a fork.

FASE 10 /13

Peel the onion and garlic and chop them finely together with parsley in the 350 ml chopper attachment.

FASE 11 /13

Cut the pomegranate in half and carefully scoop out the seeds by removing the white skin.

FASE 12 /13

In a bowl, mix the couscous with olive oil, lemon juice and the chopped ingredients, add raisins and pomegranate seeds.

FASE 13 /13

Stir well and season with salt and pepper. Serve the roasted cauliflower on top of the raisin-couscous.

How to easily pit a pomegranate: just remove the seeds in a bowl of water. The first step is to break the pomegranate into two or three pieces. Then place it in a bowl of water and break open the skin little by little to remove the seeds: the seeds of the pomegranate sink to the bottom while the pieces of skin float to the surface.
This recipe was prepared using Braun’s MultiQuick 7 (MQ 7025 X).
Prepare the recipe also with one of our other models such as Braun's MultiQuick 9 (MQ 9147 X) or MultiQuick 5 Vario (MQ 5245 WH).
  1. Torna alla homepage
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  3. Vegan roasted cauliflower with oriental spices

Vegan roasted cauliflower with oriental spices

75 min
lorem ipsum


6  olive oil, for the spice paste
3  lemon juice, for the spice paste
1  agave syrup, (or honey for non-vegan version), for the spice paste
1  onion, for the spice paste
1  garlic clove, for the spice paste
1 tsp. cumin seeds, for the spice paste
1 tsp. ground cinnamon, for the spice paste
1 tsp. cardamom, for the spice paste
½ tsp. black pepper seeds, for the spice paste
2 tsp. salt, for the spice paste
1  cauliflower
240 grams couscous, for the side dish
300 ml water, for the side dish
1  red onion, for the side dish
1 bunch of parsley, for the side dish
2  garlic cloves, for the side dish
4  olive oil, for the side dish
1 juice of lemon, for the side dish
1  pomegranate, for the side dish
80 grams raisins, for the side dish
1 tsp. ground cumin, for the side dish


FASE 1 /13

For the spice paste: Peel the onion and the garlic.

FASE 2 /13

Place all ingredients for the spice paste in Braun’s MultiQuick 7 350 ml chopper attachment and finely blend. If the paste isn’t smooth enough, add a little bit of water and mix again.

FASE 3 /13

For the cauliflower: Preheat the oven to 200 C°. Fill an ovenproof pan halfway with water and set it on the bottom of the oven.

FASE 4 /13

Cut off the stalk of the cauliflower and peel away any leaves. Place the head upside down in an oven safe cast-iron pan or pot.

FASE 5 /13

Pour in 2/3 of the spice paste and shake the cauliflower around so that the paste covers all parts from the inside. Turn the cauliflower and brush the rest of the paste over the head.

FASE 6 /13

Place the pot in the oven and roast for approx.. 45-50 minutes.

FASE 7 /13

For the couscous: Bring 300 ml of lightly salted water to a boil in a small saucepan. Once the water boils, add about 240 g of couscous and stir thoroughly.

FASE 8 /13

Then remove the pot from the heat and let it soak for about 5 minutes with the lid closed, without adding any more heat.

FASE 9 /13

Gently stir the couscous with a fork.

FASE 10 /13

Peel the onion and garlic and chop them finely together with parsley in the 350 ml chopper attachment.

FASE 11 /13

Cut the pomegranate in half and carefully scoop out the seeds by removing the white skin.

FASE 12 /13

In a bowl, mix the couscous with olive oil, lemon juice and the chopped ingredients, add raisins and pomegranate seeds.

FASE 13 /13

Stir well and season with salt and pepper. Serve the roasted cauliflower on top of the raisin-couscous.


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