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Braun CareStyle 3

Braun CareStyle 3 Steam generator iron

Powerful and compact.

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Afrundet profil inspireret af snowboarddesign.

Brauns unikke FreeGlide 3D-teknologi. Giver bevægelsesfrihed i alle retninger.

3D ironing – because half of your moves go backwards.

Inspired by snowboard design, our unique upward curving FreeGlide 3D Technology
guarantees 360° glideability. Glide backwards over any obstacles, such as buttons, pockets and zippers. Since there is no need to constantly adjust the fabric to avoid new wrinkles, time and effort are saved. Ironing has never been easier, faster or more efficient.

Braun‘s best gliding soleplate.

The unique Eloxal coating provides extraordinary glideability to accelerate the ironing process. By effectively smoothing your garments, you finish ironing quicker than ever before. 

Compact design for easy storage.

Outstanding in its space-saving design, the CareStyle 3 steam generator iron features the most compact dimensions of the Braun series. Its lightweight compact form and slim rounded design make the CareStyle 3 easy to move and store – especially if you want to put it away into a closet when not in use.

Extra-large removable tank.

In spite of its extremely compact dimensions, enjoy the advantage of an extra-large 2-litre tank capacity: Fewer interruptions for refilling, which makes ironing faster – especially when you have large loads to do. Convenient LED lights alert you when water is needed. Refilling is fast and easy with the removable tank. It is designed for convenient one-handed removal, the comfortable handle makes it safe to carry. The large filling holes make refilling the tank right from the faucet nice and easy.

More steam power.

No matter how crumpled your clothes are, the CareStyle series lets you get them wrinkle-free faster than you ever thought possible. The steam rate of the CareStyle steam generator irons is double as high as that of conventional steam irons.* And the steam pressure is much higher as well. More steam means faster elimination of wrinkles – all of them. CareStyle’s steam pressure is so powerful you can also use it for vertical steaming.
* Vs. Braun TS5 steam iron

Perfect results with 50% time saving*.

The beauty of perfect ironing. Many people see ironing as a chore. But most can also not resist the satisfying appeal of perfect results. With a CareStyle 3 steam generator iron it gets even better: The powerful steam and the light handling make your ironing easier and faster than ever – you finish in half the time, compared to a regular steam iron*.
* Internal laboratory test, comparing Braun TS 5 iron with Braun CareStyle 3 steam generator iron.

Easy to lock. Easy to put away.

Braun CareStyle 3 with easy cord storage

Easy cord storage.

The Easy cord storage feature makes putting away your steam generator iron even easier. Thanks to this clever extra, you don’t have to worry about the cord when moving and storing your CareStyle 3.


Easy Lock System.

The Easy Lock feature secures the device safely and quickly, making carrying of the whole system easy and enabling space- saving storage. Simply place the solplate into the recess on the iron rest and push the slider towards the iron to lock. Click. Then just push to unlock and you are ready to iron again.

Braun CareStyle 3 – Easy CalcClean system

Easy CalcClean System.

Ensures long-lasting performance by automatically warning of any mineral scaling build-up. When the CalcClean alert blinks, two minutes is all it takes to descale with the cleaning vessel.


Σχεδιασμένο για υψηλή απόδοση.

Το ατμοσίδερο CareStyle 3 σχεδιάστηκε και κατασκευάστηκε με βάση τα κορυφαία πρότυπα γερμανικής ποιότητας. Για να σας προσφέρει κορυφαία αποτελέσματα κάθε ημέρα, για πολλά χρόνια και για να σιδερώνετε ταχύτερα και πιο ξεκούραστα. Ο κλασικός σχεδιασμός της Braun ενσαρκώνει αυτές τις ποιότητες με ένα ισορροπημένο συνδυασμό κορυφαίας απόδοσης και απέριττων γραμμών και σχημάτων.
  • Designed in Germany
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