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Stage 2 - from around 6 until 7 months



  • Carrot potato purée
  • Apple blueberry purée
  • Banana apple purée
  • Cauliflower sweet potato purée
  • Carrot purée
  • Pumpkin potato rye purée
  • Millet milk purée with apple

​​​​ ​​​​​​​How do I start?
​​​​ Purées are the best way to introduce your baby to a mixed diet. These smooth mixtures of fruit, vegetables or baby rice (a vitamin and iron-enriched, sugar-free milky tasting form of powdered rice) are easily prepared using your Braun Multiquick hand blender. To begin with, keep purées quite runny and very smooth using your Braun Multiquick hand blender on a high speed—bananas are a particular favourite. Use water, breast milk or formula to achieve the right consistency.
You should always peel fruits and remove stalks, cores and seeds and remember, most fruits and vegetables will need to be cooked before serving to soften them. In these early stages you could include lentils, but other pulses (such as peas, chickpeas and beans) will need to be blended very thoroughly to achieve a smooth consistency so it is a good idea to save these nutritious foods for the next stages of weaning.
​​​​ How much, how often?
​​​​ Start with 1-2 teaspoons of puréed fruit or vegetable once a day. When your baby is happy to take more, offer solids twice a day.
​​​​ Making purées
​​​​Making purées is easy with the right equipment. First, peel or scrub your fruit or vegetables and cut into pieces. Simmer or bake if required but avoid adding salt or sugar. Blend thoroughly using your Multiquick hand blender. If there are any pips or fibres, push the purée through a sieve using the back of a spoon. Add a little vitamin-rich cooking water or your baby’s usual milk if you need more liquid.
​​​​ Storing what you make
​​​​It is most cost and time effective to make batches of food for your baby and then freeze them. At the early stages of weaning, ice cube trays with fitting lids make perfect containers for portion-sized fruit and vegetable purées. As your baby’s appetite grows you will need to store food in larger, freezable containers with lids.
​​​​Tips for storing food:
  • Only use a freezer that can freeze food to -18ºC in 24 hours
  • Always reheat foods until they are piping hot. Allow to cool and test temperature yourself before serving to your baby
  • You should not refreeze food that has been defrosted, except for raw frozen food that has been cooked
  • You should use or dispose of frozen baby food within two months of freezing it
  • Do not freeze bananas or avocados


Karotten-Kartoffel Brei


Für 6 Portionen | Ergibt ca. 400 g
Kochzeit: ca.. 15 min

  • 200 g Karotten, geschält und gewürfelt
  • 200 g Kartoffeln, geschält und gewürfelt
  • 1 Teelöffel Pflanzenöl

  1. Kochen Sie das Gemüse in Wasser, bis es zart ist.
  2. Pürieren Sie es im Messbecher mit dem MultiQuick 5 Baby Stabmixer und fügen Sie je nach gewünschter Festigkeit des Breis abgekühltes, abgekochtes Wasser oder die übliche Milch des Babys hinzu.                                                                                                                                                                  



Ergibt ca. 100 g / Für 4 Portionen
Kochzeit: ca. 15 min

  • 30 g Blaubeeren
  • ½ kleiner reifer Apfel (ca. 70 g)

  1. Schälen Sie den Apfel und schneiden Sie in in kleine Stücke.
  2. Legen Sie den Apfel in einen Topf mit wenig Wasser.
  3. Dämpfen Sie den Apfel bei geringer Hitze ca. 5-10 Min.lang, bis er weich ist. Fügen Sie kurz vor Ende des Garvorgangs die Blaubeeren hinzu.
  4. Wenn das Obst abgekühlt ist, füllen Sie es in den Zerkleinerer und mixen Sie es, bis es eine feine Konsistenz bekommen hat.
  5. Fügen Sie nach Bedarf Wasser hinzu.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Banane-Apfel Brei


Ergibt ca. 100 g / Für 1-2 Portionen
Kochzeit: ca. 5 Min
​​​​ Zutaten
  • 1/2 kleine reife Banane (ca. 50 g)
  • 1/2 kleiner, sehr reifer Apfel (ca. 50 g)

​​​​ Zubereitung
  1. Schälen Sie den Apfel und schneiden ihn in Stücke.
  2. Schälen Sie die Banane und setzen Sie sie zusammen mit dem Apfel in den Zerkleinerer.
  3. Geben Sie etwas Wasser oder Apfelsaft hinzu.
  4. Pürieren bis zur gewünschten Konsistenz.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Phase 3

Nächste Schritte - Von 7 bis 9 Monaten


Phase 4

Größere Wagnisse - Ab einem Alter von 7 bis 9 Monaten

