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Kompakt og hurtig: Når du laver mad, gider du ikke spilde tid på ligegyldige ting. Dette hakkertilbehør tager sig af de små ting for dig. Det har aldrig været hurtigere at hakke urter eller løg. Med hakkertilbehøret på 350 ml undgår du at svine og få tårer i øjnene, når du hurtigt skal tilsætte den rette mængde ekstra smag i dine retter.
This attachment is compatible with all Braun motor units with straight cut design.
With the EasyClick Plus system, you can quickly change attachments as you prep. It gives you the versatility to blend, chop, whisk, mash, and puree ingredients effortlessly.
Chops meat, hard cheese, nuts, herbs and carrots in seconds.
Refer to the instruction manual for detailed information on which parts are dishwasher safe.
Based on third-party testing