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Braun MultiQuick System

Nejširší nabídka příslušenství na světě pro nekonečné možnosti.

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Braun Coffee Maker Descaling Instructions

  • How do I descale my Coffee Maker?
  • Descaler, what is it and how to use it?

For best performance descale your Braun coffee maker when the LED CLEAN (f) lights up solid green. This indicates it is time to descale your coffee maker.

f. CLEAN Use to activate the descaling mode and to set the water hardness level.

The removal of built-up calcium deposits from the water reservoir will help extend the life of your coffee maker and keep your coffee tasting great. Frequency will depend upon the hardness of your tap water and how often you use the coffee maker.

To set water hardness, see «Setting the Water Hardness Level».

You can use a commercially available descaling agent that is safe to use on aluminum. We recommend using our Braun Descaling Solution.

[The following ‘note’ section applies to all machines with the exception of model KF7370. That model’s information will appear after.]

NOTE: For your convenience, the cleaning cycle is automatic. The entire cleaning cycle including rinsing can take up to 45 minutes to complete.

  • Remove the charcoal water filter holder (8) including the charcoal water filter (7) and the gold tone permanent filter (5).
  • ollow package instructions on our Braun Descaling Solution.
  • Place the empty carafe in its position on the keep warm plate (9).
  • Press the CLEAN button (f). The green LED above the button will start flashing.
  • Press BREW (a) to start the descaling program, while the green LED is still flashing. Once the descaling process has started, it is not possible to stop the program until finished.
  • When the descaling program has been completed, the green LED will turn off.
  • Discard the cleaning solution and rinse the carafe thoroughly with clean water.
  • Fill the water reservoir with a full carafe (12 cups) of clean, fresh water. Run the coffee maker through two complete brew cycles to flush the unit after descaling. Use a full carafe of fresh cold water each time.

Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary in order to reduce the brewing time per cup to a normal level.

[Model KF7370 'note' below.]

NOTE: For your convenience, the cleaning cycle is automatic. The entire cleaning cycle including rinsing can take up to 45 minutes to complete.
  • Remove the charcoal water filter holder (8) including the charcoal water filter (7) and the gold tone permanent filter (5).
  • Follow package instructions on the descaling agent.
  • Place the empty carafe in its position on the keep warm plate (9).
  • Press the On/Off button (1).
  • Press CLEAN (c). CLEAN starts flashing.
  • Press BREW (a) to start the descaling program, while BREW is still flashing. Once the descaling process has started, it is not possible to stop the program until finished.
  • When the descaling program has been completed, BREW and CLEAN turn off.
  • Discard the cleaning solution and rinse the carafe thoroughly with clean water.
  • Fill the water reservoir with a full carafe (12 cups) of clean, fresh water. Run the coffee maker through two complete brew cycles to flush the unit after descaling. Use a full carafe of fresh cold water each time.

Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary in order to reduce the brewing time per cup to a normal level.